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How to Decorate Tables With Old LP Records

Give your table a musical spin with some old vinyl records. A record-covered table is fitting if you’re going for a decorating theme revolving around old music, such as '50s sock hops or classic rock. Records will convert your table into a striking conversation piece and add a touch of whimsy to the game room, kitchen or teen lounge. Recycling old albums is not only friendly to the environment, but also a budget-friendly way to spruce up a table.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray cleaner
  • Rags
  • Spray paint (optional)
  • Ruler
  • Cotton balls
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Hot glue gun
  • Glass table topper
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    • 1

      Wipe your table top clean. If the surface of your table looks drab, spray paint it a color that will make the black albums pop, such as white, silver or red. Use spray paint cans according to the manufacturer's directions and allow the table top to dry.

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      Select albums with surfaces that are still in good condition. Lay them on a flat surface to ensure they are not warped. Gather enough long playing vinyl albums to cover your table top without overlapping.

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      Arrange the albums so they're lined in rows, side-by-side, but do not let them hang off the edge of the table. Make sure they are all evenly spaced between each other, and from the edges of the table.

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      Clean the black vinyl part of the albums that will show with cotton balls and rubbing alcohol. Hot glue the albums in place on the table top.

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      Measure the table. Get a glass table top cover with a beveled edge that will fit your table.

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      Wipe the underside of the glass cover clean. Lay the glass cover on top of the table to protect the vinyl records and clean the top so it's fingerprint- and smudge-free.