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How to Decorate a Table With Butterflies

Thrift-store and yard-sale furniture may be frugal and useful, but it's rarely very attractive. The lines may be good but the finish is bad, or it can simply be a matter of plain design with no decorative elements. Cure your plain furniture with an airy, feminine butterfly treatment. Bright butterfly prints will seem to float on the surface of the wood, softening the edge of the table design.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray paint
  • Butterfly prints
  • Scissors
  • Decoupage medium
  • Sponge brush
  • Polyurethane spray
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    • 1

      Cover the exterior of the table with a thin coating of glossy spray paint. Allow the coat to dry, then add a second coat. Allow the paint to dry for 24 hours before proceeding with the rest of the project.

    • 2

      Print out a variety of butterfly pictures. Cut out the images directly on the lines of the butterfly, leaving no plain border.

    • 3

      Shake a jar of decoupage medium to mix the ingredients. Brush a thin coating of medium on the table where you want a butterfly motif to be. Place a butterfly picture on the medium and smooth the paper with the foam brush.

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      Add more patches of decoupage medium and more butterfly pictures. Overlap some of the photos or place them in decorative rows to get the look you desire. Glue some of the butterflies to the table legs to continue the design to the floor. Allow the paper to dry for 15 minutes.

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      Coat the entire table with a thin coat of decoupage medium. Allow the medium to dry, then add another thin coat. Allow the table to dry for 1 hour.

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      Cover the table with a thin coating of polyurethane spray. This will protect the butterfly designs from moisture. Allow the table to dry overnight before using it.