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How to Decorate Tables With Tiles

Decorating a dated or inexpensive table with tiles will give your worn-looking or yard sale purchase new life. Easy enough for the kids to do or challenging enough for the most advanced artist, the complexity of your table top design and materials used are full of options at nearly any price point. Whether you use reclaimed tiles, leftovers from the kitchen remodel or hand painted tiles from Mexico, a few hardware store products and some time mean you can create a one-of-a-kind table for your home.

Things You'll Need

  • Paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Tiles
  • Pencil
  • Tile cutter
  • Ceramic glue
  • Ceramic grout
  • Floater
  • Grout sealer
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    • 1

      Paint the tabletop, legs and all surfaces of the table a color to match the dominant color of your tiles. Allow to dry completely.

    • 2

      Lay out your tile pattern on the table surface. Tiles can be placed in a mosaic or haphazard manner or in a neat linear pattern. Use tiles with a rounded edge or "molding" tiles to make the margin of the tile top safe.

    • 3

      Mark and cut any tiles that you need to fit your pattern.

    • 4

      Pick up each tile in place and glue down to the tabletop with ceramic tile glue. Press down lightly and allow to dry per the glue instructions.

    • 5

      Grout the tabletop using a colored grout and your grouting float. Wipe excess grout off the tile with a damp sponge.

    • 6

      Apply a ceramic tile and grout sealer over the tabletop to protect it from stains and water damage. Choose a sealant based upon your tile type such as glazed or unglazed tiles. Allow to dry thoroughly before use.