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How to Decorate Tables With Greenery

Greenery enhances any home decor by adding the beauty of the outdoors to otherwise cold, lifeless spaces. Decorating tables with greenery is easy, and you are limited only by your budget and imagination. You may choose to use living plants or cut branches, or even a combination of the two.

Things You'll Need

  • Waterproof pads or waterproof tablecloth
  • Decorative plant pots
  • Cloth
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      Purchase waterproof pads or a waterproof tablecloth to protect the tables from water if you use live greenery. Water spills happen easily when watering plants. The moisture may collect beneath or around the pot and cause water spots on the table finish.

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      Find decorative plant pots for potted greenery. If the plants you buy come in unattractive pots, you can disguise the pot by placing it inside a decorative pot.

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      Choose plants that tolerate low light for tables in rooms with few windows or tables at a distance from windows, if you are doing this on a long-term basis rather than just for festive occasions. Sun-loving plants can flourish on tables near sunny windows.

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      Pick seasonal greenery to decorate tables during the year. Place potted mums on a table for autumn and tropical-looking plants during the summer months, for example. Small evergreen branches placed in the center of a table make a pleasant-scented winter centerpiece.

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      Choose low-growing plants or simple sprigs and branches for dining tables. Tall plants obstruct the view of others sitting at the table. If you use a tall plant on a dining table, you may find yourself constantly craning your neck to see around the plant as you speak to other diners.

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      Keep greenery clean by dusting it with a damp cloth and removing dead foliage every day.