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How to Grow Night Blooming Cereus

Both experienced and new gardeners may have success growing the night-blooming Cereus plant. This tropical cactus is said to be very easy to grow and the results are well worth the small amount of work. These plants bloom only once a year in late fall, usually near the beginning of October. The flower buds form on the edges of the leaves in early September and slowly grow to about a foot long. They look like long, red vines with huge violet rosebuds on the end. In the first few days of October, the white petals will appear, showing that the plant is about to bloom. The blooms will begin to open around 5 p.m. and fully open near midnight. After opening, the blooms will wither quickly and produce large red fruits. For the rest of the year, this large and lush plant produces attractive, broad leaves that accent any décor or garden.

Things You'll Need

  • Large terra cotta pot with drain hole
  • Terra cotta flood tray
  • Sand
  • Potting soil
  • Trowel
  • Night-blooming Cereus seeds
  • 20-20-20 flower fertilizer
  • Water
  • Garden stake
  • Garden twine
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    • 1

      Place a large terra cotta pot, about two feet in diameter, on a matching flood tray. Fill the pot about halfway with sand. This will help with fast drainage; night-blooming Cereuses do not like wet feet.

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      Fill the rest of the pot with potting soil up to about two inches below the pot's lip. Do not pack down the soil; loose soil helps the roots sprout and establish themselves more quickly.

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      Dig a hole about four inches deep and wide with a trowel in the center of the soil. Drop in a Cereus seed and cover it with soil, packing it down lightly. Water the soil until moist, but not damp, and empty the flood tray immediately. Wait until the soil is dry before watering again.

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      Place the pot in a sunny window where it gets direct sunlight. Once the plant begins to sprout, move it about three feet from the window so it gets bright but indirect light. This helps prevent burns on the leaves.

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      Feed the plant with 20-20-20 (equal parts potassium, nitrogen and other vitamins) when it grows to about five inches tall. This will help it to grow more rapidly. When the plant reaches about seven inches, drive a stake into the soil and tie the plant to it gently to aid vertical growth.