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Night Blooming Cereus Bulbs

Night blooming cereus bulb plants are a member of the cactus family. When growing this night blooming bulb plant, it may look like it's dead or to some, an ugly cactus. But when the plant blooms, it is an amazing and beautiful sight. People often invite their neighbors over just to watch this event. Once a year, the cereus blooms. The flowers have a wonderful fragrance that fills the air. Although the flowers last only one night, they can bloom for several weeks or months.
  1. Dutchman’s Pipe

    • The Dutchman’s pipe cactus grows to a height of 8 to 10 feet. They are hardy in zone 11 and above. In zones below 11, you can grow the Dutchman‘s pipe outdoors, but make sure you take it indoors when the weather turns cold. The bloom time is mid spring to early fall. The foliage is evergreen and the white flowers are fragrant. Check with the local extension agent as in some areas, this plant is a protected species. The Dutchman’s pipe likes soil with a pH balance of 5.1 to 6.5. Water the plant regularly but do not keep the soil soggy. In the winter months, cut back on the watering and allow the soil to dry out between waterings. This plant does not set seed. In order to propagate, you need to do so by dividing bulbs, leaf cuttings or stem cuttings. The Dutchman’s pipe likes to be pot bound.

    Queen of the Night

    • Desert Night-Blooming Cereus (Peniocereus greggii), also called Queen of the Night, is a cylindrical cactus growing 8 feet in length. This night blooming cereus can grow straight up or grow laying along the ground. The spines are dark-colored growing to 1/8-inch long. The Desert Night-Blooming Cereus blooms in June or July. The very fragrant flowers are large with yellow stamens. The flowers are 4.5 inches wide and 8.5 inches long. After the plant blooms, the flowers become elliptical fruit with 3-inch spines. This plant is legally protected. You can often find this pant growing under desert shrubs.

    Orchid Cactus

    • Night Blooming Cereus Orchid Cactus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) has sword-shaped leaves. Along the leave's edges grow thorns. This night blooming cereus orchid cactus plant blooms in mid-March. Right before the plant is about to bloom, some of the leaves can grow to 1.5 to 2 feet in length. The flowers are white with a pinkish outer area and the blooms are 7 inches. When the night blooming cereus orchid cactus plant is planted in the ground, it needs partial shade, but it is also a wonderful plant to grow in containers. This plant is hardy in zones 10 and higher. In lower zones, grow the orchid cactus indoors during the winter months. In some areas, this plant is a protected species. Check with the local extension service before digging one up.