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How to Grow Night Blooming Cereus Cuttings

The night blooming cereus is a member of the cactus family with origins in the tropics. While it is not considered to be a particularly attractive plant, it is well known for its beautiful blossoms, which occur only one night a year. The large, spiky white flowers literally open before your eyes soon after sunset, and wilt before the break of day. The blossoms exude a powerful, fragrant scent that can fill an entire room for the evening. You can easily grow night blooming cereus from cuttings, and it requires little care once established.

Things You'll Need

  • Night blooming cereus cuttings
  • Flowerpot
  • Potting soil
  • Perlite or vermiculite
  • Stake
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    • 1

      Clip a two- to four-inch section of stem from an established night blooming cereus.

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      Place the cutting in an area out of direct sunlight for two to three days. Allow the end to dry out. This will minimize the risk of diseases and rot when you plant the cutting.

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      Fill a flowerpot (four to six inches in diameter) with a porous, sandy potting soil. Add perlite or vermiculite to promote drainage. Dig a hole approximately two inches deep. Place the dry end of the cutting into the hole and tamp the soil around it.

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      Water the potted cutting thoroughly but do not allow the soil to become soggy.

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      Place the plant in a shady location until the root system develops. It will root within three to six weeks. Water it when the soil dries out.

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      Provide the night blooming cereus with vertical support as it grows, such as a stake. Night blooming cereus is a vine plant that climbs. It has a slow growth rate, and will grow to approximately three feet within a few years.