Home Garden

How to Plant Cereus

There are 34 species of Cereus, a type of columnar cacti, with night-blooming cereus, botanical name Peniocereus greggii or Cereus greggii, the most widely known. Night-blooming cereus blooms in the early part of June, and the flowers only open during the nighttime hours. From the hours of 9 to 10 p.m. , the sweetly scented flowers begin opening and then by midnight the flowers are fully open. Cereus need to be 4 to 5 years old before they bloom. Cereus can grow outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture planting zones 9 through 10. For gardeners in zones below 9, cereus are grown as a houseplant.

Things You'll Need

  • Trellis
  • Shovel or trowel
  • Water-soluble cactus fertilizer
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      Choose an area that has a trellis or install a trellis toward the back of the plant. Since the night-blooming cereus has multiple stems can grow to heights of 8 to 10 feet, it needs something that will prevent excess movements when the wind blows. Also the planting site should have dappled sunlight.

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      Dig a hole that is 4 inches larger than the diameter of the plant's container. Keep the planting depth the same.

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      Remove the cereus from the container carefully. Try not to damage the roots or break the soil around the root ball, because it will cause stress to the cereus.

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      Place the root ball of the cereus into the center of the planting hole. Check the top of the root ball so it is level with the soil. Backfill around the root ball with soil.

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      Water the cereus. Do not water to thoroughly saturate the soil. You'll only want the water to settle the soil around the roots. Allow the sol to dry out completely before you water again.

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      Feed the cereus once a month with a water-soluble cactus fertilizer. Read and apply according to label directions.