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How to Grow a Green Dragon Cactus Plant

Arisaema dracontium, the green dragon, grows up to 4 feet tall and is native to wooded areas. Green dragon flowers from April through July, and it produces bright orange seeds in the fall. The green dragon is a part of the cactus family, therefore prefering sandy, well-drained soil. The green dragon cactus cannot withstand temperatures below 31 degrees Fahrenheit and is a tropical plant that grows in USDA hardiness zones 8b to 11. They flower for one night and are pollinated by bats and moths. The flower dies and becomes an edible fruit. The fruit is sweet and is similar to a kiwi, with black seeds inside. The fruit also has few calories.

Things You'll Need

  • Palm fertilizer
  • Pruning sheers
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      Choose an appropriate location in partial to full sun with sandy, well-drained soil.

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      Provide adequate support. The cactus will have stems reaching 20 feet in length that must be supported. A T-shaped support made of concrete or a strong metal is preferred.

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      Fertilize frequently the first year of the green dragon's life--about once a month--with special palm fertilizer.

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      Add 4 to 5 pounds of well-decomposed manure to the base of the plant each year, but do not let the manure touch the plant. Manure can be added twice per year to older, well-established plants that are more than 4 years old.

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      Stop watering the cactus during rainy periods, and only water when the ground is very dry during other seasons.

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      Prune the green dragon to the desired size each year for best growth and control.