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How to Take Care of Succulent House Plants

Succulent house plants are wonderful plants for those not born with a green thumb. Due to their minimal needs, they are difficult to kill and thrive in virtually any environment. Succulents come in a variety of types and many bloom throughout the year.

Things You'll Need

  • Potting soil
  • Washed sand
  • Coarse gravel
  • Water
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      Create a potting soil for your succulent plant that consists 1/3 potting mixture, 1/3 washed sand, and 1/3 coarse gravel. Mix the combination together so it is evenly mixed throughout the pot.

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      Plant the succulent in the potting mixture. Knock as much of the old potting dirt from the roots as possible before placing in the new potting mixture. Place the succulent deep enough that the entire root system is covered with 3/5 to 1 inch of soil.

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      Water the succulent. Most succulents only need to be watered about once a month. Over-watering causes the roots to rot and the succulent to wilt. To check the moistness of the soil, insert a pencil to the bottom of the pot. If soil clings easily to the pencil there is still ample moisture.

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      Place the succulent where it will receive adequate light. Watch for the development of yellow or brown spots. The appearance of these spots indicates that the succulent is receiving too much light and needs to be moved.