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How to Get Burned Milk Off a Ceramic Stove Burner?

A ceramic cooktop distributes heat evenly, similar to a glass cooktop. The smooth surface is low-maintenance and easily cleaned, but you must use the right cleaners and cleaning techniques to avoid causing irreparable damage to your stove. When a pot boils over causing a burned milk stain on ceramic stove burners, you can remove the brown stains and return your stove to clean condition. With a combination of commercial products and home remedies, you can get the burned milk stain off.

Things You'll Need

  • Microwave bowl
  • 1/4 cup white vinegar
  • Clean cloths
  • Table salt
  • Ceramic stove top cleaner
  • Razor-edged scraper
  • Baking soda
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      Fill a small microwavable bowl with 1/4 cup of white vinegar. Set your microwave on "High" and heat the vinegar for 15 seconds.

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      Warmed vinegar softens hardened milk and helps remove the stain.

      Dampen a clean cloth with the warm vinegar. Lay the cloth over the burned milk stain on your ceramic stove burner. Leave the cloth in place for 10 minutes to soften the stain.

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      Tough burned-on milk stains respond to the safe abrasiveness of salt.

      Lift the cloth off the ceramic stove top and set it aside. Sprinkle table salt over the softened milk stain. Scrub the burner with the vinegar-dampened cloth and table salt to remove burned milk stain substance. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

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      Squirt ceramic stove cleaner onto any remaining burned milk stain on the ceramic cooktop burner. Gently scrape the residue off with a razor-edged scraper.

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      Moisten a clean cloth with water. Sprinkle baking soda onto the cloth. Buff the burners lightly to remove any last remnants of the burned milk stain.

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      Wipe the surface with a damp cloth to remove baking soda residue. Dry your ceramic cooktop burner with another cloth.