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How to Get Glue Off a Leather Couch

Glue certainly can be quite useful. However, it also can create unwanted stains on surfaces like furniture. Your leather furniture lends an air of class to your home, but if it gets an ugly glue residue on it it might not look so elegant. Luckily you can remove glue stains from most leather couches by using a simple cleaning process.

Things You'll Need

  • Butter knife
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Cloths
  • Dish soap
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      Scrape off excess glue (if it has dried) with a dull butter knife.

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      Wet a cloth with warm water. Squeeze out the excess water and lay the cloth onto the glue stain for several hours to soften the glue. Wipe away as much glue as possible once you remove the cloth.

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      Dip a clean cloth into some petroleum jelly. Massage the jelly into the glue residue.

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      Wipe away the jelly and glue with a clean, dry cloth.

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      Dip a clean cloth into hot, soapy water. Wring out the excess moisture. Wipe the affected area of the couch to clean away any traces of residue.

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      Dry the couch with a lint free cloth.