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Removing Rust Stains From Chrome Faucets

Rust stains form on chrome surfaces due to high levels of iron in the water supply. The rust stains need removing once you notice them because old rust stains set on the chrome faucet and become more difficult to remove later. Failure to remove the rust stains can cause the rust to spread and ruin the bathroom fixture. Clean the chrome faucet carefully to protect the surface from extensive damage.

Things You'll Need

  • Salt
  • Lime
  • Paper towels
  • White vinegar
  • Nonabrasive sponge
  • Borax
  • Lemon juice
  • Washcloth
  • Oxalic acid
  • Whiting
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      Apply a small amount of salt over the rust surface. Squeeze half of a lime over the salt to cover the rust area and let the lime juice soak on the stain for two to three hours. Scrub the faucet with the lime rind to remove a light rust stain.

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      Soak paper towels in white vinegar. Wrap the towels around the chrome faucet and let them soak overnight. Wipe the chrome fixture with a nonabrasive sponge to remove the rust stain.

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      Mix an equal amount of sodium borate with lemon juice to create a paste. Apply the paste to the chrome faucet with a washcloth. Let the paste dry and then rinse the chrome with clean water.

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      Combine 1 part oxalic acid with 10 parts of water. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and soak the rust area. Rinse the faucet off with clean water.

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      Dissolve oxalic acid crystals according to the package directions. Slowly add whiting to create a paste and apply it to tough rust stains. Let the paste dry on the faucet and then rinse with clean water.