Home Garden

Removing Hard Water Stains From Ceramic Cooktop

If you see a white, hazy residue on your ceramic cooktop, you may be looking at hard water stains. Hard water residue is the result of minerals in tap water. Magnesium and calcium are the two primary minerals responsible for contributing to this type of stain, which is often called "lime scale." Remove hard water stains from your ceramic cooktop safely and effectively by using vinegar, a natural product that won't damage the surface of your stove.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle
  • Vinegar
  • Cloth
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      Transfer 1 to 2 cups of undiluted white vinegar to a clean, empty spray bottle.

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      Spray the cooktop, and wait for approximately 30 minutes.

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      Moisten a soft, lint-free cloth, and use it to wipe off your stove.

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      Dry the cooktop with another lint-free cloth. Repeat the entire process if stains remain.