Home Garden

How Do I Clean the Brush on My Kirby Sentria?

The Kirby Sentria is the latest in a long line of high performance vacuums designed to make removing dirt from carpets, walls and ceilings less difficult. Kirby vacuums are known for their dependability; however, sometimes you have to take the machine apart to perform a little home maintenance. Cleaning the brush of the Kirby Sentria is one of the tasks that an you can perform at home without taking it to a repair shop for service.

Things You'll Need

  • Kitchen knife
  • Old rag or papertowels
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      Lift up the front section of the Kirby Sentria that covers the vacuum area. Remove the vacuum section because it covers the brush. Twist the knob on the front of the vacuum counterclockwise, so that the red arrows line up. Unlock the latch by switching it from left to right, then lift the vaccum section off the main body of the machine.

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      Examine the brush section of the Kirby Sentria to see if any hair, dirt or other objects are entangled in the brush. Note that hair usually collects on the brush roller, while dirt collects on the brush bristles.

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      Cut through any hair around the center of the brush with a sharp knife. Remove all the hair and throw it away.

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      Wipe away the dirt with an old rag or paper towels. Removing the dirt will help your Kirby Sentria pick up new dirt easier.

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      Replace the vacuum section on the Kirby Sentria. Twist the lock to the left to lock it into place. Turn the knob clockwise so that the two green arrows are lined up together. Your Kirby Sentria is ready for use.