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How to Clean Brushed Leather

Brushed, suede or nubuck leather requires special care to maintain its soft, velvety texture and appearance. Body oils and spills result in a flattened, spotty surface. Bring the texture back to any brushed leather item with a suede or nubuck cleaning brush. For extremely dirty brushed leather items, use a foaming leather cleaner. Never use harsh cleaners or water on brushed leather, as darkening or spotting may occur.

Things You'll Need

  • Sponge or cloth Foaming leather cleaner Leather cleaning brush Vacuum, with brush attachment Leather protection spray or cream
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      Blot up any spills with a dry sponge or cloth.

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      Apply foaming cleaner to a sponge or leather cleaning brush. Use enough to thinly cover the entire item. Skip using the foaming cleaner unless the leather is visibly stained.

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      Clean the leather in small, circular motions. Cover the entire item lightly and evenly with the foaming cleaner to prevent spotting. Allow the brushed leather to air dry for 30 minutes.

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      Brush the nap with a leather brush gently to loosen any dirt and restore the nap.

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      Vacuum the loose dirt and debris with a brush attachment.

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      Apply leather protecting cream or spray according to the manufacturer's instructions. Lightly and evenly coat the leather surface, and remove any excess cream with a cloth.