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How to Clean a Microfiber Recliner

Microfiber is a durable fabric characterized by its fine fibers. It can withstand most liquid spills but requires attention for things such as dust and pet hair. If you own a microfiber mop or cleaning cloth, you will see that dust and hair cling to microfiber. But because the fabric is so easy to clean, this should not be a problem. If your furniture has severe stains, such as oil spots or mildewed areas, you will need the help of a professional cleaner. Otherwise, some simple tools will do the trick.

Things You'll Need

  • Furniture brush
  • Vacuum with extension
  • Lint roller or wad of duct tape
  • White washcloth
  • Microfiber cleaner or mild soap
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      Brush the surface until any dirt or dried food is loosened, using a clean furniture brush or a soft-bristle brush (such as a tooth brush or clean dog brush).

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      Vacuum up the loose dirt with a vacuum extension; the vacuum brush may also work to help loosen any stubborn dirt. Be sure to get in the cracks around the seat cushion. If you can, remove the cushion and vacuum under it as well.

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      Use a lint roller or a wad of duct tape to remove any pet hair. A vacuum will not get up all pet hair because it adheres to microfiber so well.

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      Dab a warm, white washcloth over any remaining dirty areas. This should remove the dirt, but if necessary you may want to use a cleaner made especially for microfiber surfaces or a mild soap such as dish soap. Be sure to remove any extra product.

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      Allow the recliner to air dry, but if dirt is visible after the microfiber dries, repeat step 4. Sometimes it is hard to determine if all of the dirt has been removed from microfiber when it is wet.