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How to Remove an Odor From Couch Cushions

Upholstered couch cushions retain odors and can be difficult to clean. What's more challenging is trying to remove embedded odors from sofa cushions. Stubborn sofa odors can originate from pets, food spills, smoke, mold and mildew. Depending upon the nature and extent of the resistant odors, there are various remedies to remove them from sofa cushions. With a little patience and persistence, the noxious odors in your cushions will begin to dissipate.

Things You'll Need

  • Washing machine
  • Laundry soap
  • Oxygen-based powdered cleaner
  • Commercial odor eliminators
  • Spray bottle
  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Vacuum cleaner
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      Give your cushions a sunbath. If removable, remove your couch cushions and set them outside for a few hours. The sun and fresh air will cause odors to dissipate and lose their intensity. Place the cushions on a sheet or drop cloth to avoid soiling them. If couch cushions are not removable, open windows to bring in fresh air, which helps freshen fabric odors.

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      Machine wash the cushion covers. Unzip the couch cushion covers and toss them in the washing machine. Add a mild laundry detergent and a cup of a commercial powdered oxygen-based cleaner. For best results, wash the cushion covers in hot water if not contra-indicated by the manufacturer's label. Washing fabric in hot water not only intensifies the power of laundry soap and oxygen cleaner, it also helps kill odor-causing bacteria. To avoid shrinking cushion covers, allow them to air dry.

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      Spray couch cushions with white vinegar. After freshly laundered couch cushions are back on, lightly spray them with white vinegar. Use the vinegar at full strength without diluting it with water to neutralize lingering odors. The vinegar odor will eventually dissipate, leaving your couch cushions smelling fresh and clean. Pour your vinegar into a plastic trigger-operated spray bottle and hold the bottle approximately 6 inches from the cushions.

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      Apply baking soda. You're defeating the purchase of laundering your couch cushions if the rest of the couch smells. If you replace your couch cushions onto an existing odorous couch, the fabric on the cushions will pick up smells again. To remove odors from parts of your couch that can't be machine washed, liberally sprinkle baking soda on them and let it set for an hour. After an hour, vacuum all traces of odor-neutralizing baking soda.