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How to Clean Smoke Smell from Upholstered Furniture

A smoke smell can be difficult to remove from upholstered furniture. Upholstery is extremely absorbent and porous, making it the perfect medium to retain smoke and other odors such as food and pet odors. In addition to upholstery, smoke odors can affect your window treatments, carpeting and even walls. You can maintain the freshness of your upholstered furniture by employing some simple deodorizing remedies that minimize and even neutralize smoke odors and restore freshness to your rooms.

Things You'll Need

  • Baking soda
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Plastic spray bottle
  • White vinegar
  • Commercial odor neutralizer
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      Air out your furniture. If the cushions on your upholstered furniture are removable, bring them outside. The fresh air helps weaken odors and freshen the fabric. If the cushions are not removable, open the windows for a few hours every day, which also reduces the intensity of smoke odors on your furniture. Eventually, the odors will fade and eventually disappear.

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      Sprinkle baking soda liberally on your upholstered furniture and let it stay there overnight. Baking soda deodorizes and neutralizes odors.

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      Vacuum the furniture the next day to remove all traces of baking soda, including traces left behind in cracks and crevices.

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      Pour white vinegar into a spray bottle and, holding the bottle 8 inches from the upholstery, spritz the furniture. White vinegar inhibits bacteria and reduces the smoke smell from furniture. Although the vinegar smell might be strong initially, it dissipates after a few hours. Make sure you don't soak your furniture with the vinegar, though, because the excess moisture could ruin the foam cushions.