Home Garden

How to Remove Dog Smell From a Couch

Dogs' loyal and lovable nature make them man's best friend. Unfortunately, your furry companion can quickly stink up your home and the furniture inside. Dogs have an unpleasant odor that gets worse when they are wet. This odor can become trapped in the fibers of your couch, rendering it unusable. However, with a few all-natural household items, you can remove those dog odors without subjecting your home and pet to harsh chemicals.

Things You'll Need

  • Laundry detergent
  • White vinegar
  • Vacuum with upholstery attachment
  • Spray bottle
  • Baking soda
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      Remove the cushions, if possible. If the fabric covering the cushions can be removed, remove the covers and launder in cool water with the appropriate amount of laundry detergent and 1 cup of white vinegar.

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      Secure the upholstery attachment to your vacuum. Vacuum the couch to remove dirt, dust, hair and other debris. Begin at the top of your couch and work your way down. Do not forget to vacuum the area where the cushions where.

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      Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar. Thoroughly mist the couch with the vinegar. Vinegar is an all-natural deodorizer that will remove the dog odor without the use of harsh chemicals. Vinegar has a strong, pungent odor, but it will dissipate quickly while absorbing the pet smell.

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      Apply the vinegar spray liberally to the couch's cushions. Allow the vinegar to air dry on the couch and the cushions.

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      Sprinkle baking soda over the couch and the cushions. Like vinegar, baking soda is an all-natural deodorizer that will remove any lingering dog odor. Allow the baking soda to sit on the couch and cushions overnight.

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      Remove the baking soda from the couch and cushions with your vacuum's upholstery attachment. Replace the covering on the cushions, and the cushions on the couch. Repeat the process if needed.