Home Garden

How to Install a Window Grille or Grate

Multi-pane windows are classy and add a lot to the look of your house. But they're expensive too. If you want to get a multi-pane look with a small amount of money, consider installing a window grille. You'll achieve the same look with a minimal investment of time and money.


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      Determine the shape of your window. Window grilles fit standard rectangular windows or they can be designed to fit the following window shapes: segment, quarter round, quarter radius and elliptical.

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      Measure the window. Take your time and measure twice. If you get an incorrect measurement, your grille won't fit properly.

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      Fit the grille into the window. Place the grille on the inside of the window and push the pins in to secure it.

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      Secure the grille to the window. Glue the grille to the window to keep it in place for years to come.