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How to Install a Window in a Shed

Windows can make a shed easier to use, particularly if you don't have electric lights in the shed and you're frequently looking for items in dim light. A window can also be opened during warmer weather to let fresh air in and keep the shed from getting musty. In an unheated shed, you don't have to worry about how tight the window is as long as it keeps out the rain and weather.

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil
  • Measuring tape
  • Circular saw
  • 2-by-4 lumber
  • Screws, 3-inches long
  • Drill
  • 1-inch-thick boards
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    • 1

      Outline the location of the new window on the exterior siding of the shed using a pencil. Try to position the window between the interior studs so you don't have to make any more cuts than necessary.

    • 2

      Cut the siding out of the shed wall using a circular saw and cutting along the pencil lines that you made.

    • 3

      Measure the distance between the studs on each side of the opening that you cut. Cut two pieces of 2-by-4 to this length and install them above and below the opening so the faces of the 2-by-4s are even with the edges of the hole that you cut. Attach these 2-by-4s by driving 3-inch-long screws through the vertical studs and into the ends of the 2-by-4s.

    • 4

      Install the window in the hole. Stabilize and square the window by inserting shims between the window frame and the inside surface of the hole that you cut. Secure it in place by driving 3-inch-long screws through the window frame and into the studs and the horizontal 2-by-4s that you installed in Step 3.

    • 5

      Close up the gap between the window frame and the rough opening by applying 1-inch-thick trim boards around the exterior face of the window so they cover the gap.