Home Garden

How to Grow Mirabilis Longiflora

Mirabilis longiflora, also known as sweet four o’clock or angel's trumpet, is a native wildflower in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. A perennial, the Mirabilis longiflora has trumpet-like flowers and long purple stamens to attract the hawkmoth and other insects that pollinate it. The flower opens only after about five p.m. and stays open until about 10 a.m. The Mirabilis longiflora is hardy to the U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 7 to 10.

Things You'll Need

  • Spade
  • Wildflower fertilizer


    • 1

      Select a location for the Mirabilis longiflora. It grows best in full sun to bright shade.

    • 2

      Plant the Mirabilis longiflora. Dig a hole as deep as the root ball and twice as wide. Place the Mirabilis longiflora into the hole and fill the hole with soil.

    • 3

      Water the Mirabilis longiflora every other day for three to five minutes until the plant is established in your yard. Once established you can stop watering the flower except in cases of extreme drought.

    • 4

      Mix 1 tablespoon wildflower fertilizer with 1 gallon of water and water the Mirabilis longiflora with it once every two to three months during the plant’s growing season.