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How to Grow Kalanchoe Orgyalis

Kalanchoe orgyalis is an upright plant with fuzzy, thick, silvery grey leaves that take on a golden bronze tint in sunlight. Blooms are yellow. Native to Ethiopia, South Africa and Madagascar, Kalanchoe orgyalis is a sturdy succulent plant that will thrive with only minimal care. When conditions are just right, Kalanchoe orgyalis will surprise you with bright yellow blooms. At maturity, the plants may reach heights of up to 2 feet.

Things You'll Need

  • Container with drainage hole and drainage saucer
  • All purpose commercial potting mixture
  • Water soluble fertilizer for indoor plants
  • Pin or toothpick (optional)
  • Rubbing alcohol (optional)


    • 1

      Plant your Kalanchoe orgyalis in a container filled with a good quality all-purpose commercial potting mixture. Mix in a handful of clean sand to improve drainage.

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      Place your potted Kalanchoe orgyalis in bright light. The plant will do best in full sunlight near a window with a southern, eastern or western exposure.

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      Feel the soil to determine if your Kalanchoe orgyalis is ready to be watered; water deeply if it feels slightly dry, and allow the water to run through the drainage hole. Replace the plant on its drainage saucer when the soil has finished draining. Water the soil using lukewarm water, but don't wet the foliage. A thin layer of gravel on the top of the soil will promote drainage and help to keep the foliage dry.

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      Keep your Kalanchoe orgyalis in a moderately warm room. Daytime temperatures should be between 60 and 75 degrees F. with nighttime temperatures about 10 degrees cooler.

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      Feed your Kalanchoe orgyalis in April, using a water-soluble fertilizer for indoor plants. Apply the fertilizer according to the specifications on the container. Fertilize the plant again in July.