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How to Care for a Cactus With Yellow Flowers

Cacti with yellow flowers are one of the easiest plants to grow. Many people grow yellow flowering cacti inside their homes. Although the cacti require very little care, they do need to have some specific conditions met so they can grow well and produce flowers. Cacti that bloom with yellow flowers grow in many different sizes and shapes. The yellow flowers can be as small as 1/2 inch or as large as 3 inches. Different species of cacti, like the barrel cacti, can live up to 130 years.


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      Check to make sure that the soil you are using has good drainage, while retaining adequate moisture. You can purchase specially formulated potting soil for cacti at a garden supply center, or make your own. Simply mix equal amounts of peat moss, garden soil and builders' sand.

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      Re-pot your cacti in the spring, but only if they need it. If the cactus is ¼ inch away from the sides of your pot, it is time to re-pot your cacti in a slightly larger pot. If you choose a pot too big for the cacti, you may over-water the cacti and the plant will rot. To transplant your cacti, use a rolled up newspaper, a pair of tongs or a heavy pair of leather gloves to handle the cacti. The spines are like sharp needles, so protect your hands. Place the cacti so it is at the same depth it was originally, and then fill around it with moistened growing media. Do not water the cacti for several days.

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      Water more during the spring and summer months, because this is when the cacti grows and forms their yellow flowers. To know when your cactus needs water, simply stick your finger into the soil. If the top 1/2 inch of the growing media feels dry, it is time to water. During the dormant months, water lightly. The cacti is resting during this time, and if you water too much, the cacti will rot.

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      Fertilize the cacti with yellow flowers from spring until fall, every two to three months. You will need a fertilizer that is low in nitrogen. If you use a fertilizer with a high nitrogen number, it will cause the succulent to grow faster. This can cause your cacti to suffer from insects, diseases, loss of flowers and other problems.

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      Keep the environmental temperature of your cacti around 65 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit during the spring and summer months. During the fall and winter months, keep the temperature at 45 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit. The cooler temperatures will help the cacti to form the buds so they can bloom beautiful yellow flowers. If you move the cacti outdoors during the late spring and summer months, put them in a place where they will be shaded through the hottest part of the day, otherwise the cacti will get a sunburn.