Home Garden

How to Grow Thai Dragon Fruit

The dragon fruit is a luscious fruit that comes from a cactus. The plant is called a pitaya cactus, but it is not like your normal breed of cactus. This type of cactus is not able to stand up to the sweltering heat of the desert. Mostly, the pitaya is grown in the rain forests of Vietnam and Thailand as well as in Central and South America. Many Americans have never seen dragon fruit before, much less had the pleasure of tasting the sour, fleshy fruit. There are some places in the southernmost part of California that have the right conditions to grow the pitaya cactus, and some people have said this plant can be grown in a greenhouse. If you happen to have access to a greenhouse, consider making an effort to grow your very own pitaya cactus and dragon fruit.

Things You'll Need

  • Planting pot
  • Soil
  • Pitaya seeds
  • Fertilizer
  • Water
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      Fill a planting pot with soil. Dig a shallow hole in the soil and place the seeds in the hole.

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      Cover the seeds with any brand of fertilizer and cover with more soil. Gently water until the soil is moist, not soaking wet. Wait 10-12 days until you see the seedlings sprout.

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      Transfer the sprouting seedlings into a rich, well-draining soil mixture and keep temperatures moderate. Dig about a 2-inch hole.

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      Water the seedlings in the morning and in the evening, when temperatures are cooler. Keep the soil moist at all times. Wait six to 12 months before the cactus is almost mature enough to sprout flowers.

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      Hand pollinate the flowers when ready. When the fruits start to appear, harvest immediately.