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How to Grow a Thanksgiving Cactus Plant

The Thanksgiving cactus plant (Schlumbergera truncata) is native to the rain forests of Brazil where it grows on the tops of trees. It does not have typical cactus spines, but instead has flat, leaf-like branches with serrated edges. The foliage color varies from vibrant green to red-tinged, depending upon the maturity of the plant. During late fall the Thanksgiving cactus develops delicate flowers available in a multitude of shades including red, pink, white and yellow. It does best in bright, indirect light and soil that remains lightly moistened.

Things You'll Need

  • Small growing container
  • Potting soil
  • Fine-grade fir bark
  • Balanced liquid fertilizer
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      Fill a small growing container with one part potting soil and one part fine-grade fir bark. Plant the Thanksgiving cactus at the same level it was previously growing. Add just enough water to moisten the soil and place the container in a location that receives bright, indirect sunlight.

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      Water whenever the top inch of soil feels dry until the plant begins to show signs of growth. Once this occurs water only when the soil feels completely dry.

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      Move the plant to a very dark location, such as a closet, for 12 to 14 hours each day beginning in middle September. This is necessary for the development of flower buds. Alternately, you can cover the cactus with a large paper bag. The chosen location should maintain a temperature of approximately 50 degrees F.

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      Remove the Thanksgiving cactus from the dark location once flower buds begin to develop. Begin to fertilize the plant once every two weeks with balanced liquid fertilizer mixed at half the strength recommended on the package. Stop fertilizing for one month after the blooms have faded.

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      Transplant the Thanksgiving cactus plant to a larger pot every other year.