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How to Grow Rattail Cactus

The rattail cactus is native to the deserts of Mexico, and has long, slender stems that resemble rats tails. It is an easy species of cactus to care for, and will reach a height of 18 to 24 inches. The rattail cactus grows well outdoors in USDA zones 10a to 11 and will grow indoors in other regions. You can propagate the rattail cactus by taking root cuttings from a healthy existing plant.

Things You'll Need

  • Cactus potting soil
  • Pot
  • Water
  • Fertilizer
  • Pruning shears
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      Fill a pot with potting soil that is labeled for cacti. The pot needs to be large enough to hold the roots, with several inches all the way around to allow for growth.

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      Soak the soil with water, and allow it to drain thoroughly. Move enough soil to allow you to place the roots deeply enough, and recover with soil. Pat down the soil gently.

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      Place the plant in a sunny area that receives partial shade during the day, such as a north or east facing window.

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      Feed during active growth from spring to fall. Use a general purpose or 10-10-10 fertilizer monthly.

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      Water before the soil is completely dried out, and add enough water to moisten it slightly.

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      Cut off dead or brown foliage with pruning shears to encourage new growth.