Home Garden

How to Grow Thai Dragon Fruit from Cuttings

A Thai dragon plant is a species of cactus that grows dragon fruit. The fruit has a red exterior and can either have a white or pink interior dotted with seeds. You can propagate all species of the Thai dragon plant without using the seeds inside of the plant. If you take a limb cutting from the plant, it will start growing its own roots. The roots can even sprout from the cutting before you introduce them to soil.

Things You'll Need

  • Pot
  • Potting soil
  • Dragon fruit cutting
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      Fill a large pot with potting soil. Use soil that drains well. Since the dragon plant is a cactus, it cannot abide by soil that retains a lot of moisture. Too much water retention in the soil can cause root rot.

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      Dig a small hole into the soil about two inches deep. Set one side of the cutting into the pot. Press the soil around the base of the cutting to allow it to stand straight. Do not press too hard or you may damage the base of the plant.

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      Place the pot in a sunny location. Like many other species of cactus, the dragon plant thrives under direct sunlight. Use an area that receives at least six hours of sun a day, but a full eight hours of sun is best.

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      Water the cutting. Use a slow stream of water that will soak through to the roots. Water your cutting sparingly from that point. Your plant will thrive on as little as 25 inches of water annually.