Home Garden

How to Care for Basil Plants at Home

Although growing basil in the herb garden is a cinch, basil (Ocimum basilicum) can also be easily grown indoors where the attractive and fragrant foliage can be enjoyed year-round. The plant isn't only easy on the eyes, but practical as well, as one healthy plant can provide plenty of fresh, savory leaves to add zing to your favorite dishes.


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      Purchase a healthy basil plant at a garden center or greenhouse that specializes in herbs. Select a compact plant with even, bright green color. Avoid spindly plants with yellowing leaves.

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      Fill a pot with commercial potting soil. Be sure the pot has drainage in the bottom. Basil, like most herbs, is prone to rot in poorly drained soil.

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      Use your hands or a trowel to dig a small hole in the center of the pot. The hole should be no deeper than the basil's nursery container. Remove the plant carefully from the container and plant it in the pot. Tamp soil gently around the roots.

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      Water the basil plant immediately. Water basil when the top of the soil feels slightly dry to the touch.

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      Place the basil plant in a sunny window where the plant will be exposed to at least six hours of sunlight every day. Turn the basil every week so all sides of the plant will be exposed to plenty of sunlight. If you are unable to provide adequate light, supplement available light with a grow light. If you are using only a grow light, place the plant under the light for approximately 10 hours every day.

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      Feed basil with a weak solution of fertilizer every other week. Use a liquid houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength if the basil is ornamental. If you intend to use the leaves for cooking, feed basil with an organic fertilizer.

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      Keep the plant in a warm room, as basil won't tolerate temperatures below 50 degrees F. Daytime temperatures should be approximately 65 to 75 degrees F, with nighttime temperatures 5 to 10 degrees cooler.