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How to Care for Dichondra Plants

Dichondra (Dichondra spp.) is a perennial groundcover that grows best in warm weather and in cooler coastal areas. The bright green plant has circular, broad leaves and a low growth habit. The groundcover is not adapted to areas that have high traffic. The ideal spots for dichondra include smaller landscape areas where it is hard to mow and maintain regular turf. Dichondra is not a good choice for larger areas, warns the University of California Extension. You can grow healthy dichondra by providing healthy growth conditions.


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      Plant dichondra in a fertile and well-drained soil. Fertilize the plant regularly with a high-nitrogen fertilizer, as recommended by the University of California Extension.

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      Prepare the bed by working in a large amount of well-rotted manure and compost prior to planting, advises Keith Kirsten, author of "Down to Earth."

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      Start the plant from seed during any time of the year, though it is best to start it during spring or fall, notes Kirsten. Water well with a fine sprinkler after sowing seed.

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      Do not expose the plant to drought and avoid planting in very saline soil. Dichondra will not tolerate very cold temperatures and only moderate levels of high heat.

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      Avoid planting in sites that are used heavily as the plant will not recover fully from heavy damage. You can either mow the plant or leave it unmowed as the plant keeps its appearance even with minimal mowing.

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      Water the plant regularly especially during dry and hot weather. Apply a general, liquid fertilizer during spring. Water in well after application.