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How to Plant & Care for Marigolds

Marigolds make bright border colors of yellow, orange and gold in your landscaping. They love sunshine, plenty of water and are easy to grow. Because of their popularity, you can find them in just about every nursery and garden center. If you wish to start them from seed, you can do so indoors 2 months prior to the last frost in your area.

Things You'll Need

  • Marigold plants
  • Compost (if needed)
  • Fertilizer
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      Purchase the supplies needed. Look at the area where the marigolds will be planted and decide how many plants you need to buy. There are many varieties of marigolds. If you plant by seed, you will have more types to choose from (see link in Resources). When purchasing from a local retailer, go prepared with the number you will need, depending on the size offered. Tall marigold plants should be spaced at approximately 15 inches apart; dwarf plants should be 4 to 5 inches apart.

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      Plant your marigolds in any kind of soil and they will prosper. If you have poor soil, you may want to add compost by mixing it in with the soil that will be surrounding the marigold roots. Fill in around the plants with soil and gently press down on the top layer of soil to anchor the plant. If you are planting more than 1 row, use the same spacing, but alternate them.

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      Fertilize your marigold plants with an all-purpose fertilizer, once per month. Marigolds are a summer flower and should be watered regularly. When temperatures are hot, water twice weekly. Your flowers will naturally succumb to the 1st or 2nd frost of your area, as most annuals do.

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      Get rid of slugs because they love to eat marigolds. Insects are not, generally, a problem. In fact, these flowers repel insects so well that many times they are grown in vegetable gardens for that purpose.