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How to Get Lipstick or Chapstick Off the Wall

The slightly waxy texture of lipstick or chapstick makes them comfortable and provides great staying power on your lips. This comfortable texture makes lipstick highly resistant to removal from other surfaces, especially absorbent ones such as paper-covered walls. If a small child decided that what your walls needed were some bright pink or red scribbles, you might need some time to remove them. A tiny smear of lipstick from an accident is not much of a problem. A work of art in lipstick can be challenging. Try one of several simple solutions before you resort to repainting or repapering.

Things You'll Need

  • Butter knife
  • Tissues
  • Mineral spirits
  • Cleaning cloths
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • White vinegar
  • Make-up remover
  • Baby lotion
  • Dry cleaning fluid
  • Grease stain remover
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      Scrap or wipe off as much of the lipstick or chapstick as you can using a butter knife and then using a tissue. Take care not to scratch the paint or tear the paper on the wall.

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      Blot the stain with mineral spirits on a cleaning cloth or tissue. This is often sufficient to remove most, if not all, of the stain.

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      Sponge the remaining stain off with a mixture of equal quantities dishwashing liquid and white vinegar diluted in water. Good Housekeeping recommends 1 tablespoon of each mixed with 2 cups of water.

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      Wipe the stain with a powerful make-up remover, or even baby lotion. The grease in lipstick may be removed through use of a lotion. Wipe with a damp cloth afterward to remove traces of the lotion or remover.

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      Use dry cleaning fluid on a fresh cloth. Open a window during the process to reduce inhalation of the fumes.

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      Use a proprietary grease stain remover according to the manufacturer's instructions. The primary base of lipstick or chapstick is grease and such products are likely to work best.