Home Garden

How to Get Blackberry Juice Out of Upholstery

Blackberry juice stains are a challenge to remove from absorbent upholstery. The problem is aggravated because it is sometimes not possible to clean the upholstery in a washing machine. Cleaning a blackberry stain on a couch or chair presents the problem of removing a difficult stain by hand-washing. Understanding the cleaning agents used is critical. Soap sets blackberry stains and detergents remove them. Soap is made of natural ingredients that bind with minerals in water to make the blueberry stain worse. Detergents are man-made and react less to the minerals in water, making them more effective in removing blackberry stains.

Things You'll Need

  • Heavy-duty detergent
  • White vinegar
  • Spray bottle
  • Absorbent towel
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Fan
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      Mix a cleaning solution of 1 quart lukewarm water, 1/2 teaspoon heavy-duty detergent and 1 tablespoon white vinegar. Pour the cleaning solution into a spray bottle.

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      Place an absorbent towel around the stained area on the upholstery to avoid further staining by containing the stain during the cleaning process.

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      Spray the blackberry juice stain on the upholstery liberally with the cleaning solution.

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      Rinse the blackberry stain by applying a towel soaked with clean lukewarm water to the stained area to thoroughly wet it.

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      Dab at the stain lightly with a clean portion of the wet towel.

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      Scrub the rinsed area by sponging it lightly from the center of the stain to the edge with rubbing alcohol.

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      Rinse with a towel soaked in clean warm water placed onto the stained area and allow it to set for 30 minutes, occasionally changing it to a clean position.

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      Direct a fan onto the rinsed area and dry it thoroughly before using it.