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How to Get an Iodine Stain Out of a Car

Iodine is often used as a first aid antiseptic. The reddish-brown liquid helps clean and sterilize the skin around cuts and bruises. When iodine's distinctive pigment ends up on your car upholstery, it's important to act fast. Whether your upholstery is fabric or leather, the porous surface soaks up the iodine like a sponge. You can successfully remove an iodine stain by treating it in a timely manner with supplies and cleaning techniques that help you lift the distinctive stain.

Things You'll Need

  • Talcum powder
  • Vacuum
  • Bucket
  • 1 tablespoon dish detergent
  • Spoon
  • Sponge
  • Clean cloths
  • Rubber gloves
  • 1 tablespoon sodium thiosulfate
  • Ammonia
  • Eyedropper
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      An absorbent-like powder helps remove the stain.

      Cover the iodine stain in your car with talcum powder. Leave the talcum powder on the upholstery for 20 minutes to absorb excess moisture. Vacuum the upholstery to remove the powder.

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      Place 1 tablespoon of dish detergent in a bowl. Add 2 cups of cool water and stir.

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      Moisten a sponge with the diluted detergent solution. Squeeze the sponge to remove excess liquid.

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      Sponge your iodine-stained upholstery with the detergent solution until the stain is moist. Allow the solution to remain on the car upholstery for 30 minutes.

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      Dampen a clean cloth with cool water. Press the cloth against the iodine stain before blotting it with a dry cloth. Repeatedly alternate sponging the stain with damp cloth and a dry one to lift as much of the stain as possible.

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      An eyedropper ensures you apply the ammonia directly onto the stain.

      Treat any remaining iodine stain on your car upholstery with a mixture made from 1 tablespoon sodium thiosulfate and 1 cup of cool water. Dab the stain with the solution before applying 3 drops of ammonia to the stain with an eyedropper.

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      Press a dry cloth into the upholstery to absorb the stain. Rinse the upholstery by blotting it with a damp cloth. Dry the surface with another cloth. Allow the upholstery to air-dry completely.