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How to Clean an Antique Brass Bed

Brass beds antiques provide both function and beauty. If you've just acquired an antique brass bed showing its age, often a good cleaning will bring it back to its former glory. Most brass beds made after the 1940s or 1950s will be lacquered to prevent tarnish. As long as the lacquered finish is in good condition, cleaning these beds is often as easy as giving them a good washing with hot water and dish soap. Older beds may need polishing to remove tarnish.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubber gloves
  • Dish soap
  • Commercial brass cleaner/polish labeled safe for antiques
  • Salt
  • Flour
  • White vinegar
  • Soft cloths
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      Clean the bed with hot water and dish soap to remove any dirt, grease or grime. Rinse well. If the bed is lacquered or not tarnished, cleaning with dish soap and water should get the bed clean.

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      Use a commercial brass cleaner/polish labeled safe for antique brass to remove any tarnish. Light tarnish can be removed with liquid polishes; heavy tarnish may require the use of paste cleaner/polishes. Rinse or buff according to package directions. Alternatively, use a homemade brass cleaner made of equal parts salt and flour and enough white vinegar to make a paste. Rinse well, then dry the bed.

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      Buff bed with soft cloths to restore shine.