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How to Clean Antique Lacquer

Antique lacquer appears on old or antique wood furniture, pianos, and decorative items such as jewelry boxes. Lacquer is a clear finish applied to items to give them a protective coat and, in some cases, a high sheen. Over time dirt, oil, and grime settle on the lacquer surface. Cleaning antique lacquer requires a gentle touch to prevent the removal of the finish.

Things You'll Need

  • Dish washing liquid
  • Soft cloths
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    • 1

      Dust off the antique lacquer to remove dust and surface debris.

    • 2

      Fill a small bowl with warm water. Add three to four drops of mild dish washing liquid.

    • 3

      Dampen a soft cloth with the soapy water.

    • 4

      Rub the cloth on the lacquer gently to remove surface grime. Do not use too much pressure to avoid removing the antique lacquer. Use water sparingly to prevent damaging the underlying wood.

    • 5

      Dampen a soft cloth with warm water. Wipe off the lacquer to remove any soap residue.

    • 6

      Dry and buff the antique lacquer with a soft cloth.