Home Garden

How to Clean Antique Wood Furniture

Antique wood furniture adds vintage appeal to a home. With proper care and maintenance, antique wood furniture can last many lifetimes. Whether the furniture is finished or unfinished, dirt, dust and old wax buildup can ruin the wood's appearance. Clean the furniture with a mild, oil-free product to remove any dirt and dust without discoloration or buildup. Follow the cleaning with a coat of paste wax to bring out the natural glow and rich color of your antique wood furniture.

Things You'll Need

  • Bucket
  • Mild dish soap
  • 3 or 4 soft cloths
  • Paste wax
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    • 1

      Fill a bucket with 1/2 gallon warm water and add 1 to 2 tsp. mild dish soap.

    • 2

      Dip a cloth in the bucket and wring it out. Wipe the antique wood furniture thoroughly with the cloth, rinsing it in the bucket as needed.

    • 3

      Dry the antique wood furniture with a clean, soft cloth.

    • 4

      Apply a small amount of paste wax to a clean, dry cloth. Wipe a thin, even layer of wax over the antique wood furniture.

    • 5

      Buff the antique wood furniture with a clean, dry cloth until it shines.