Home Garden

How to Seal Air Leaking From a Range Hood Vent on the Roof

Without a vent, the humidity resulting from cooking stays inside the kitchen and the house interior, where it causes problems such as peeling paint and wallpaper, in addition to physical discomfort. When the range hood vents to the roof, this moisture escapes to the outside. If any gaps exist between the vent and the roof, air has the opportunity to leak inside. Also, water will leak inside and potentially cause damage. Seal around the vent to prevent this.

Things You'll Need

  • Ladder
  • Utility knife
  • Silicone caulk/roof sealant
  • Caulking gun
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    • 1

      Position a ladder securely on the ground outside an exterior wall, and climb onto the roof.

    • 2

      Cut the tip off a tube of silicone caulk or roof sealant, using a utility knife. Install the tube into a caulking gun.

    • 3

      Aim the caulking gun at the gaps between the vent and roof. Squeeze the gun trigger and apply the silicone caulk or roof sealant to fill the gaps.