Home Garden

How to Remove a Smoke Odor from a Burned House

The smoke odor left behind in a fire-damaged house is more than a nuisance; it permeates nearly everything, causes headaches and nausea, and may aggravate existing breathing problems. Removal of the smoke particles left behind in a burned house is necessary; otherwise the unpleasant scent continues to linger for a long time. Eliminating the smoke odor requires time, diligence and patience, but is necessary if you want to comfortably inhabit the home again.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden hose
  • Bucket
  • Liquid disinfectant cleaner
  • Sponge
  • Spray bottle
  • Window cleaner
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Paper towels or newspaper
  • Laundry detergent
  • Steam cleaner
  • Steam-cleaning solution
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    • 1

      Clean the outside of the house, as well as the driveway, sidewalks, decks and porches, with the appropriate cleaner. The type of cleaner varies depending upon the material the items are made of. Rinse the cleaner away with a strong blast from the garden hose.

    • 2

      Leave doors and windows open as much as possible to allow the smoke odor to escape.

    • 3

      Fill a bucket with warm water and 1/4 cup of liquid disinfectant cleaner. Use a sponge to thoroughly scrub all surfaces, including walls, floors and the insides of closets, cabinets and drawers. Refill the bucket with fresh water and disinfectant as necessary.

    • 4

      Scrub all household items -- such as appliances, decorative items and toiletries -- with the disinfectant solution.

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      Wipe down light fixtures, curtain rods and all other hardware with the solution.

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      Fill a spray bottle with a solution consisting of five parts window cleaner and one part rubbing alcohol. Spray the windows with the solution and wipe it away with paper towels or newspaper.

    • 7

      Wash all clothing, bedding and curtains in the manner recommended on their care labels.

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      Steam-clean upholstered furniture, mattresses and carpets.

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      Hire a professional to thoroughly clean air ducts and the home's heating and cooling unit.