Home Garden

How to Build a Rain Fountain

An environmentally sound way to recycle rain water is to capture it running off the roof into barrels and use it to water the lawn or garden. This type of tool is not always desired because it is an eyesore, but you can turn that boring barrel into a beautiful lawn ornament by building your own rain fountain. The constant running of the fountain prevents standing water issues caused by rain barrels and provides a soothing waterfall for the yard.

Things You'll Need

  • 3-foot-tall wide-lip ceramic vase
  • 8 feet of garden hose
  • 2-foot garden hose
  • 2-by-2-foot wire mesh
  • Shovel
  • Solar water pump
  • Needle-nosed pliers
  • Wire cutters
  • Circular metal clamp
  • Metal hose clamps
  • Cordless drill
  • 1/2-inch screws
  • Gutter spout
  • Rocks
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    • 1

      Choose a place for the rain fountain in your yard. The fountain must be close enough to the house to connect to the gutters or roof.

    • 2

      Dig a 3-inch hole in the ground the diameter of a 3-foot tall, wide-lip ceramic vase. Set the vase into the hole and secure the vase using the dirt.

    • 3

      Set a solar water pump inside the vase. Attach the pump to the lip using the wire bar attached to the side of the pump.

    • 4

      Cut a garden hose-sized hole in a 2-by-2-foot wire mesh two inches diagonally inward from one corner using wire cutters. Cut a second hole one inch from the first.

    • 5

      Set the wire mesh over the lip of the vase. Bend down the edges and corners of the mesh over the vase lip. Place a circular metal clamp around the lip. Tighten the clamp to secure the mesh.

    • 6

      Attach a 2-foot garden hose to the water pump output valve. Tighten the valve clamp over the hose.

    • 7

      Attach one end of an 8-foot garden hose to a gutter spout in the gutter. If you do not have gutters, attach a gutter spout to the roof edge using a cordless drill and 1/2-inch screws.

    • 8

      Attach metal hose clamps over the garden hose and into the wall of the house, leading from the fountain to the gutter spout. Use a cordless drill and 1/2-inch screws to place the clamps on the wall.

    • 9

      Insert the end of the hose into the second hole in the wire mesh.

    • 10

      Creatively place rocks and any other decorative items you choose on the wire mesh. Place the 2-foot hose up inside the rocks where the water will flow down over the decorations. Keep the decorations away from the solar panel on the pump.