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How to Make a Snow Fort Under a Trampoline

Hanging out with friends and creating snow forts outside is a fun part of childhood that can be done as an adult too. Using items in your yard as part of your fort structure makes your creation stand out and saves you time and effort building. If you have a trampoline with enough room to crawl underneath, build a snow fort underneath it and use the trampoline as the fort's roof.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle or hose
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      Push as much snow under the trampoline as you can to give you as much material as possible for your fort.

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      Mold the snow into walls that reach up to the bottom of the trampoline so the trampoline acts as a roof. Form the walls all the way around you, but leave a clear space for you to get in and out.

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      Spray the snow with a hose or a spray bottle to help the walls freeze and solidify. This makes the fort last longer.