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How to Lay Bahia Sod

Due to its drought resistance and ability to grow in sandy soil types, Bahia sod grows better than many other varieties of grass in hot, dry climates. The grass does not, however, thrive in cold weather, making it ideal for regions with warm temperatures all year round. If you live in a warm location and would like to lay Bahia sod in your lawn, you can install Bahia as you would any other sod.

Things You'll Need

  • Rototiller
  • Compost
  • Rake
  • Spreader
  • Garden hose
  • Sod
  • Sharp knife
  • Roller
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    • 1

      Remove any large objects from the lawn, such as rocks or branches. Roll over the entire area where you plan to lay the Bahia sod with a rototiller, breaking the soil up to a depth of 6 to 8 inches. Layer 2 inches of compost on top of the tilled soil and go over the surface lightly with a rake to combine it with the top of the soil below.

    • 2

      Fertilize the top of the compost before you begin placing the sod. This Old House recommends using a spreader to apply your fertilizer to the soil. Go over the surface with a rake again, evening out the soil so that it appears flat. Spray the tilled and fertilized ground with the light spray setting of a garden hose to moisten the entire area.

    • 3

      Place the first roll of sod at the edge of the longest straight stretch in the lawn, most likely against the foundation of your house or along a walkway or driveway. Roll the sod out so that it lines up against the edge of the foundation, walkway or driveway. Walk alongside the sod while rolling it out and press down on any bubbles or wrinkles to flatten the sod against the ground.

    • 4

      Roll out the next row of sod directly agains the edge of the first. Cut the piece of sod roughly at the halfway mark with a sharp knife, and put the second half aside. Lay a full piece of sod at the end of the first piece of sod in that row, and cut the piece down if necessary to fit the sod into place.

    • 5

      Begin the third row with a full piece of sod again and roll the sod out so that it lines up with the second row and fits tightly against the edge. Start the following row with other half of the sod piece you cut for the second row. Continue this pattern all the way across the lawn to ensure that the seams of the sod are staggered, so that you don't end up with a noticeable line down your lawn.

    • 6

      Roll the sod with a lawn roller to press it down, paying close attention at the seams to press them together. After rolling, lightly rake the top of the sod to reduce visibility of the places that you stepped on the sod while rolling.

    • 7

      Water the sod until the entire lawn is moist, but does not sit in water. Continue to water the installed sod after installation. This Old House recommends a schedule of once each morning for the first week, every other day during the second week and twice weekly for the third week.