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How to Plant Datura Seeds

Datura is a plant, native to India, that produces trumpet-shaped flowers. Datura comes in a variety of species, usually defined by the shape and color of their flowers and may return year after year if left in the ground. Datura seeds tolerate freezing well. In fact, this actually tends to increase their germination rate and speed significantly. Depending on the variety, datura may reach as high as 6 feet and bush out almost the same distance; take this into consideration when deciding where to plant.


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      Mix your datura seeds thoroughly with sand--enough to cover the seeds--and place them in a cardboard box in your freezer. This is called stratification and will help the seeds to germinate once they're sown.

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      Leave the seed-sand mixture in your freezer--or outside, if temperatures are cold enough to freeze it solid--until you're ready to plant the seeds.

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      Start your datura seeds indoors at any time by planting in a peat pot or other fiber pot that can then be planted directly into soil or, if you'd like to plant them directly outside, do so after all danger of frost has passed.

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      Sow your datura seeds 3/4-inch deep. If you're sowing outside in the garden, select a place with good drainage and full sun and sow seeds between 24 and 36 inches apart. Keep the soil, whether in a pot or in the garden, slightly moist.

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      Cover the soil, if you've planted datura outside, with a black plastic sheet. A garbage bag will work fine. This helps warm the soil and speed germination.

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      Continue keeping soil moist until the datura seed germinates. This may happen in as few as 2 weeks or it might take as long as 8.