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How to Plant Chia Seeds

The word "chia" refers to two different plants in the sage genus: Salvia hispanica is native to Mexico and Central America and known for its nutritional value; Salvia columbariae thrives in the desert of the southwestern United States--as well as on chia pets. Salvia columbariae is a fast-growing annual that produces purple flowers March through June. The 6- to 10-inch blooms also attract bees and are a favorite of farmers who need their crops pollinated.

Things You'll Need

  • Chia seeds
  • Water
  • Container
  • Seed tray
  • Potting mix
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      Soak chia seeds in water for 15 minutes.

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      Fill a seed tray with porous potting mix in spring. Make planting holes twice the seeds' diameter.

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      Plant the chia seeds in the holes and cover them with soil. Move the planter to a sunny location.

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      Water the seeds thoroughly with a fine mist and keep them moist until germination.

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      Reduce watering once seeds germinate. Chia plants prefer arid and low-fertility conditions.

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      Transplant seedlings to a sunny, well-drained location outside. Pull weeds that sprout around the plant.