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How to Plant Perilla Seeds

Perilla belongs to the family of mint plants. Also known as Chinese basil, purple mint, purple perilla and beefsteak plant, perilla is a native plant to Eastern Asia. Perilla is an upright growing herbaceous annual plant. Perilla can grow to about 2 feet in height and produces white to purple-white flowers. The aromatic leaves are often used in cooking, as well as in making sushi. Planting perilla is best done after the seed dormancy has been broken.

Things You'll Need

  • Perilla seeds
  • Zip-top bag
  • Bowl or glass
  • Seeding mix
  • Planting packs
  • Colander or wire basket
  • Spray bottle
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    • 1

      Place the perilla seeds into a zip-top plastic bag.

    • 2

      Set the bag in a cold location, like the back of a refrigerator. The temperature should be between 35 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the bag in the cold storage for 3 months.

    • 3

      Place enough seeding mix to fill up several planting packs into a wire basket or finely meshed colander. Sift the seeding mix, removing any debris such as pebbles and pieces of bark or wood.

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      Scoop the sifted seeing mix into the cells of the planting packs. Fill each cell about 3/4 full, or to about 1/2 inch from the top.

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      Pour about 1 to 2 inches of water into a shallow tray. Soak the planting packs in the water long enough for the seeding mix to be well saturated.

    • 6

      Place the perilla seeds into a bowl or glass that contains about 1 inch of water. Soak the seeds overnight or for 12 hours.

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      Place 2 perilla seeds into each of the cells in each of the planting packs. Press the seeds gently into the seeding mix using your fingertip. This ensures good soil to seed contact. Do not bury the seeds or place soil over the seeds.

    • 8

      Set the planting packs into a light-filled area but not in direct sunlight.

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      Moisten the seeding mix thoroughly using a spray bottle. Keep the mix evenly moist during germination, which can take about 7 to 14 days.