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How to Plant Bittersweet Seeds

The American Bittersweet plant is scientifically referred to as the Celastrus scandens and grows in the form of a vine with tiny red/orange/yellow berries. The fruit produced is not safe for humans to consume, but it serves as a tasty snack for small birds and animals through the winter months. Growing bittersweet is relatively easy to do and the ornamental vine can add a burst of color to your yard throughout the year.

Things You'll Need

  • Bittersweet Seeds
  • Cookie Sheet
  • Peat Moss
  • Refrigerator
  • Mulch
  • Compost/Fertilizer
  • Garden Shears
  • Water
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  1. Seed Prepartion

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      Collect the red/yellow/orange berries from an American bittersweet plant (not the Oriental variety). The berries contain seeds for planting. You can also purchase bittersweet seeds from an online or local nursery.

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      Dry the seeds out. To do this, spread them out on a flat, shallow pan (such as a cookie sheet) and wait for two weeks or until dry.

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      Collect the seeds from the dried out fruit and allow the seeds to set for another week in order to ensure they are fully dry.

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      Plant the dried seeds in a container of peat moss. Keep the moss moist and refrigerated between 31 and 41 degrees for three months.


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      Wait until mid spring after any potential for frost has passed. Then, locate the sunniest area of your yard away from other trees.

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      Sow the seeds by sprinkling them in your selected location. Cover with a thin layer of mulch. You can mix in compost, peat moss and/or fertilizer to create a healthy, nutrient-rich environment for your bittersweet.

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      After the seeds have germinated and matured, thin the seeds back to 12 to 36 inches apart. Continue watering to keep the young bittersweet moist and healthy.