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How to Remove Iron Stains From a Pool Deck

Everyone looks forward to swimming pool season. With the opening of your pool for the season there are inevitably cleaning tasks involved. Iron stains on your pool deck may be the result of any wet metal objects left to sit on your deck. The result is a bright orange rust stain. Iron stains aren't difficult to remove and you'll be ready to invite friends over for a swim in no time.

Things You'll Need

  • Vitamin C tablets
  • Plastic zip lock bag
  • Table knife
  • Scrub brush
  • Bucket
  • Water
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    • 1
      Vitamin C will help you determine the origin of your stain.

      Test the stain to be sure it's an iron stain. Rub a vitamin C tablet over the stain. If it disappears or lightens, the stain is there as a result of wet metal.

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      Place a small handful of vitamin C tablets in your plastic zip bag and seal it closed. Crush the vitamin C tablets by tapping the contents of the bag with the handle end of a table knife.

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      Spread the crushed vitamin C over the iron stain on your deck. Allow it to sit for a few minutes so the ascorbic acid can work on the stain.

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      A scrub brush adds a little more "elbow grease" to the job.

      Dampen a scrub brush and start to scrub the crushed vitamin C into the stain. Continue with this until you see the stain is gone.

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      Rinse with water.

      Fill the bucket with warm water and rinse away the crushed vitamin C and any rust residue. Allow your deck to air dry.