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Subtropical Plants for Terrariums

If you love working with plants, starting a terrarium is one of the best ways to bring your favorite activity indoors. If you are an accomplished gardener, growing plants in a terrarium allows you to enjoy your favorite hobby year round, no matter what the weather is like outside. Getting started with the terrarium hobby can be challenging, even for experienced gardeners, but choosing the right subtropical plants will make it easier.
  1. Begonias

    • Vining varieties of begonias can do quite well in the terrarium. Some of the begonia species that are suitable for the terrarium include Tiger Kitten, Dwarf Rex and Rhinestone. Non-vining species of begonia tend not to do as well in the home terrarium setting, since they often have trouble acclimating to the high heat and humidity levels. When introducing vining begonias to the home terrarium, it is best to use cuttings or leaves. If you do need to introduce a rooted begonia, be aware that the plant will need to go through a period of acclimation during which it may appear the foliage has rotted away. If the plant survives the acclimation period, it should regain its foliage and start to thrive.


    • The columnea family of trailing vines tend to do quite well in the terrarium. Some of the best species for the home terrarium hobbyist include c. arguta, c. gloriosa, and c. microphylla. One of the keys to success with the columnea group is finding varieties that are small enough to thrive in the terrarium setting. The columnea family is a very large one, and just about any species that is small enough to grow in a terrarium should work well.


    • Aroids are among the most commonly used plants for the home terrarium, and this group of plants includes a huge number of species and subspecies. Perhaps the most widely used and versatile plant for the terrarium is the aroid, known as pothos. This plant is a particularly good choice for the new hobbyist since it is nearly impossible to kill. In addition to its legendary resilience, pothos makes an excellent egg laying site for frogs and other amphibians, so any terrarium that houses these creatures should also house pothos and other aroid varieties.