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How to Care for Terrariums With Succulents

The clear plastic or glass of a terrarium makes it conducive for growing plants within its confines. Although succulents require a drier growing environment, if you provide the right growing conditions, you can care for terrariums with succulents successfully. Pay attention to the humidity level inside the terrarium to ensure that the terrarium environment stays suitably warm and dry for the succulent plants.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle (filled with water)
  • Pruning shears or small scissors
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      Place the terrarium in a location that receives indirect sunlight. Provide fresh air circulating inside the terrarium to keep the terrarium environment healthy, if possible. Avoid direct sunlight shining on the terrarium for an extended period because this may cause the interior temperature of the terrarium to rise too high.

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      Spray the inside of the terrarium with water from the spray bottle to moisten the succulent plants lightly. Water the terrarium only when the soil dries out completely to the touch. Keep succulents healthy by erring on the side of underwatering the terrarium rather than overwatering it. If the plants begin turning yellow and drying up, water more frequently.

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      Cut away portions of the plants that wither and dry up. Using the pruning shears or small scissors, snip stems and leaves and discard the plant debris outside of the terrarium. Cut back a plant that begins to grow up to the sides and top of the terrarium.

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      Check the terrarium regularly for indications that plants are developing mold or mildew infections. If you notice mold or mildew on foliage, remove the plant to keep the environment inside the terrarium healthy.